An up-date on current life in the resort of Jomtien located next to Pattaya in Thailand.
It is Friday May 8th 2020 in Jomtien, Pattaya, Thailand. As of this morning Thailand reported a total of 3,000 people infected (+8), 2,784 people have recovered, 161 remain in hospital and sadly 55 people have lost their lives.
Whilst there are strong central Government guidelines, the regions of Thailand have some autonomy on the restrictions in their areas. The Pattaya area was shut down with no non-local traffic in or out, this has now been removed and the roads are open.
We are asked to remain at home whenever possible but we are not in lock down and in fact, some restrictions are now being relaxed. Supermarkets and markets continue as normal with no shortages and cafes and restaurants have been allowed to re-open. Some cafe’s, especially those with outdoor seating have re-opened with increased space between the tables but allowing clients to enjoy their favourite coffee brands and communicate. Whilst restaurants can also re-open the stipulations regarding social distancing, whilst understandable, are rather absurd with either vast distances between diners on the same table and even plastic partitions. No alcohol is allowed to be served. A few people are venturing out to eat and support their local restaurants.

We still have a curfew from 22:00 to 04:00 and alcohol may now by bought between 11:00-14:00 and from 17:00-18:00. The promenades along Jomtien Beach and Dongtan Beach are open for people to walk, jog and cycle but the beaches remain closed. Social distancing is enforced and face masks are required. You should also have hand sanitiser with you.
Some of the local Pattaya Golf Courses are starting to re-open. They currently require pre-bookings(no walk-ins) and social distancing is required. Masks must be worn, the Caddies do not ride on cars and the Club Houses may not be open at this time.
It has been a good place to ride out the initial storm of Covid-19. The Thai Government have been firm in their stance and the low infection/death rates indicate that they have had success. At 07:00 the promenade is busy with walkers, joggers, runners and cyclists and in the evening many more come to enjoy the sunset. Most understand and appreciate the need for social distancing but some unfortunately still need reminding by the authorities.

The Pattaya region is now designated as a ‘White Zone’ with no current cases of Covid-19 and further easing of restrictions will be following shortly.
Stay safe!

Kim Waddoup
Kim Waddoup enjoyed a lifetime in the tourism business and is an active ‘Silver-Ager” living in Thailand. He writes for his age group with high varied articles covering subjects relevant to retirees living in, or visiting Thailand. Any questions or comments on this post? Please do feel free to contact me through our ‘Contact Form’ or directly