Home Health Executive Programme Health Check-Up Package at Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.

Executive Programme Health Check-Up Package at Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.

by Kim
Executive Programme Health Check-up Package at Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

My personal experience of an Executive Programme Health Check-Up Package at Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.

Thailand is extremely fortunate to have a vast number of highly proficient, internationally recognised hospitals and has therefore been a destination of choice for many looking for comprehensive Medical Health Check-ups due to availability, quality and price.

I was fortunate to win a voucher for an Executive Health Check-up Package at Bumrungrad Hospital at the Christmas Raffle organised by my Rotary Club. Whilst I feel reasonably fit for my age, the opportunity to have a comprehensive health check in one of Thailand’s leading hospitals was an excellent opportunity to see if my health had any surprises for me.

Executive Programme Health Check-Up Package at Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. 1

We stayed overnight in Bangkok at the excellent Citrus Sukhumvit 11 Hotel which was selected being so close to the hospital. Dutifully fasted for 12 hours, I made my short early morning walk to the Bumrungrad edifice in less than 4 minutes. Following the instructions, I proceed to the 10th floor in the A building to register. There were only a few people there and unfortunately only 2 staff at 06:30. However I had a queue number and waited. At 07:00 the two staff were joined by one more and my number was called.

This was the only slight inefficiency as having been informed to be at registration 30 mins before my appointment time, I would have expected it to be fully staffed. Registration was completed quickly, and I made my way to the 11th floor to start the ‘process’.

The 11th floor was already busy, and all 12 counters occupied. I was given a number and within a few minutes called to the available desk. Registration checked, voucher handed over, some questions about allergies and then, “follow me”.

Bumrungrad Hospital appears to have created a seamless system where you are handed on to the next department and you will never have to wait long for the next tests. First was height, weight, eyes, blood pressure and passive EKG. Then came a charming Dracula to expertly draw some blood! Then escorted to the next department, where we were asked to change into hospital dress and within minutes called for Chest X-ray. Then a slight wait for the Abdomen Ultrasound. One staff to take you to the room, a technician to make the detailed examination, then a Doctor to check the results and complete some additional tests, then another lovely nurse to wipe the gel that facilitates the ultrasound functions. Such amazing service!

The Ultrasound check covered, kidneys, liver, gall-bladder, bladder and more. Very comprehensive and took about 20 minutes in total. My overall impression was of so many staff with each carrying out their appointed tasks almost in a ballet of co-ordinated efficiency!

Next, I was presented with two receptacles for the urine and stool samples. Judging by the sound emaciating from the neighbouring cubicles, this bodily function that we complete every day without thinking, was proving quite a challenge with a miniscule 4 cm spoon as our only utensil! I will not go into further details!

With our containers delivered we could change and were asked to proceed around the square to Department B. As one is expected to fast for a minimum of 12 hours before commencement, the sight of a small breakfast buffet by no less than Marriott, is a most welcome sight. It also provides the laboratories with some time to complete the blood, urine and stool diagnosis.

After a very few minutes I was called to the Doctor who made a quick but thorough physical examination before being invited to take a seat for the ‘results’. At this point I had expected the dreaded ‘upsell’ to commence, but no. A professional and balanced discussion on my health including discussions on high uric acid, cholesterol and my Atrial Fibrillation. It was most refreshing to be able to talk openly with a receptive medical specialist without the over patronising look and the dreaded recommendations of multiple prescriptions that would please the accounts department! The discussion was not hurried, and I felt that the subjects covered were realistically reviewed with some honest recommendations as ‘food for thought’.

Executive Programme Health Check-Up Package at Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. 7
Most impressed with the Doctor’s attention

Fully satisfied with the results, answers and suggestions I followed the attendant nurse back to the counter where my wrist band was removed indicating the end of this whirlwind examination. I was treated with respect at every stage, I waited no longer than 4 minutes at any phase, I was never rushed just incredible efficiency. I received a detailed Medical Report, and the entire process took just 3 hours from start to finish!

I have had a similar medical check at another hospital previously, and the differences were vast. The previous check had taken several hours with most of the time being sitting and waiting followed by a dramatic prognosis accompanied by an intimidating prognosis with intense upsell and an ominous medication regime. Definitely not the case at Bumrungrad!

I was extremely impressed with the efficiency at Bumrungrad International Hospital. There were many patients on my Monday visit from all Nationalities and ages. Each was handled with respect and incredible efficiency. One might think that the time was short, and that everything was rushed, but that was not the case. Like the ‘location, location, location’ motto, Bumrungrad is ‘efficiency, efficiency, efficiency’ always with a smiling face in addition to being treated with consideration and genuine care.

The results are extensive and received immediately during the consultation with the Doctor and forwarded by email (my choice). I believe that the checks were all professionally detailed and never cursory. My congratulations to the management of Bumrungrad Hospital for creating a highly competent programme operated by amiable and proficient staff. Highly recommended!

Bumrungrad International Hospital Executive Check-Up Centre

(I did not take any photographs of this check-up as I believed that they could be invasive for the other patients. All photos have been supplied by the hospital management)

Executive Programme Health Check-Up Package at Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. 8

Kim Waddoup


Kim Waddoup enjoyed a lifetime in the tourism business and is an active ‘Silver-Ager” living in Thailand. He writes for his age group with high varied articles covering subjects relevant to retirees living in, or visiting Thailand. Any questions or comments on this post? Please do feel free to contact me through our ‘Contact Form’ or directly kim@meanderingtales.com

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